Harini: A week in my student life

A Week in the life of Harini Nagesh
Hello, I am Harini Nagesh – a Link to Leeds ambassador from India. I would like to take you through my weekly routine as a University of Leeds student. Before I take you through my routine, let me share a little bit about myself. I am a master’s student in Economics who has been recently working on her dissertation. I currently live in a private accommodation near the university (10 minutes) in a residential student area known as Hyde Park.
My day starts with me trying to snooze my alarm and stay in bed for that five more minutes and then proceeding with my day. My lazy day breakfast is usually smoothies, I love making smoothies with fruits, flax seeds and chia seeds. I take an ample amount of time having my breakfast while chatting with my flat mates and catching up on my day-to-day tasks. I have the practice of always planning ahead of week my day-to-day schedule of work. I mark it down with its timings so I can plan my day the previous night accurately. This is one such practice I meticulously followed all through my year, and has greatly helped me plan my study times and stick to the planned routine. It is an exhilarating feeling once you tick off all the activities in your to do list for the day.
I proceed my day by working on my dissertation in a University study space. There are 4 different libraries on campus where you can sit individually / group and work in silence. Apart from the libraries there are spots in the University union, Café Nero on campus and Business school building for working. I really like to work in the union and often go to common ground to satisfy my coffee cravings while working. As an ambassador, once I am done working with my study, I take my time to finish my ambassador duties. As mentioned earlier my day-to-day planning has immensely helped me manage my time between study and part time work. It is always necessary to strike a balance and take enough rest after a tiring day.
I am someone who cooks most of her meals. One tip that has really helped me manage to cook despite a busy day is planning ahead of the day what to cook. I either make my rice before I leave for studying so when I come back all I left with is cooking some curry. It is always good to prepare prior to your meals to avoid wasting time just thinking about what to eat. I also cook both my lunch and dinner together as a batch. It saves so much time at the same time you have good home cooked food at the end of a tiring day. When it comes to buying groceries, I usually wait till my empty list reaches a certain number to go shopping. This avoids unnecessary buying and makes sure you complete and finish your groceries before buying. This idea was inspired by my fellow roommate.
It is necessary to engage with your passion and interests from time to time. I take my time dancing and revisiting dance pieces that make me happy. One other thing is attending the classes provided by our 300+ clubs and societies. I am part of the Bollywood dancing society (VIBES) , attending their classes really helped me meet new people who share the same passion of dancing. These clubs are a great way to progress and take your passion forwards through competitions and auditions. Allocating at least one hour for your passion can go a long way. Scheduling my day really helps me in identifying the free time I have and use it to spend in something productive like dancing
If there was one thing, I learnt during my study in this university is valuing your mental health. It is really necessary to give yourself frequent breaks to avoid burning out due to work. I make sure I take my weekends to relax and do things that I enjoy. One thing I love doing is travelling. This time I took a trip to Glasgow, Scotland. One great tip if you are planning to travel frequently is to buy a railcard. The rail card is a great way to save money on train tickets. If you are planning to travel within Scotland, the coaches are the cheapest and efficient options. When travelling, always look out to eat and drink in the local cafes and bars. I was fortunate enough to visit a pub with 700 plus whiskies and tried a locally produced drink. Overall, my travelling experience was a wholesome with amazing memories.
Some days in my week are pretty hectic while others are just me lying on my bed enjoying my ‘me time’. In conclusion, always try to take some time for yourself without feeling guilty, do things that make you happy – be it shopping or partying or just lying on your bed watching shows. As a student it is necessary to make time for yourself and manage to strike a balance between work and fun .