Discover our campus: Student Life
Your student life at the beginning of the academic year can be quite intense. Managing academics and a social life may seem like a tug-o-war and on top of that, figuring out the campus can be a challenge. From lecturers halls, to finding out where to get the best coffee, to discovering new social spots to hang out with your friends, and locating a quiet place to study- it may seem too much to take in. How does one prepare for the new student life?
This is where we come in to help you. Here is a list of some tips and places around the campus which you can pin down at the beginning of your life in the University, and have the best time in Leeds.
Hidden gems in the University: One of the best things about the University is that every library and study hall comes with an amazing café. The Edit Room in Edward Boyle library is the perfect place to grab a bite and get coffee, while going on with your readings in the library or while you attend lectures.
Libraries are not the only places where you find cafes. The Café Nero café in Roger Stevens building, which is a lecture hall, takes the cake when we talk about most picturesque places in the University. Whether you are sitting inside the café and peering at the pond or having a much closer view of the gleaming goldfishes while sitting outside, there is no better way to enjoy a hot beverage.
Another amazing feature at the Roger Stevens building is the outdoor cinema screening. With screen and seating available, this has been my favourite way of relaxing with my friends after a full day of lectures and meetings. The tickets are usually £4 or £5 and the screenings are a mix of independent and classic movies like Clueless, Romeo and Juliet, Jurassic Park, Blinded by Light and Back to the Future, among others.
Leeds University Union (LUU): While the LUU is the heart of the University and a mini version of Leeds on its own, in terms of social spots, there is so much that the LUU has to offer and one of them is the Common Ground café. Students come here to do their work amidst a more relaxed, informal, vibrant atmosphere in contrast to the quietness of the libraries. The café also hosts social events like the Global Café on Monday evenings. Global Café is a social event where students from all over the world come and mingle and make new friends.
Apart from Common Ground, the LUU also houses bars like the Old bar and Terrace where students participate in events like Pub quizzes and sport screenings. To add to the fun, there is also the nightclubs like Pyramid and Stylus where the Union hosts theme parties, welcome socials and the University most popular freshers event, Fruity.
Social life and academics: When it comes to managing your social life in the University, the easiest and best way is to join societies and clubs. With over 300+ options to choose from, the societies and clubs have like-minded people who share the same interests and causes. This not just helps one in making new friends but also creates a sense of community and homeliness.
Even in regards to academic life, there is plenty of support and assistance to help you find course mates to work together. There are various workshops held by the Career Centre and Language skills workshops which bring one closer to their batch mates and make studying at the University easier.
So, these are just some of the tips that will be helpful in making our life in the University much more wholesome. There will be lots to do and many things to be a part of, during your term time. Just remember to enjoy, learn and have fun while participating and in case you miss out on one event or the other, you can always pursue it another time. The University of Leeds gives you plenty of opportunities to be part of the thriving student community and become your own person.