Getting the COVID-19 vaccine: my experience and advice

My experience getting the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine
When I got the text from NHS saying I'm eligible to get the vaccine, I immediately booked two appointments for my first and second doses. The process for online registration was straightforward and there were many options for when, where and what time you want to get the vaccine. For me, I selected the Elland Road Stadium for both doses, which is about 20-25 minutes bus ride from St.Marks where I live.
Before I begin, let me discuss some questions around getting a vaccine in the UK as an international student.
- There is no requirement to be vaccinated when entering the UK, always check the UK government travel guidance and rules before you plan your journey - if there is a major change to this, it will appear on the UK government websites first. Then you should check the FAQ below for more details. Even if you’re fully vaccinated (yay!) you still need to follow government rules on isolation.
- Check the COVID-19 FAQ for international applicants and offer holders frequently- it does have a vaccine and arriving section. Our What to Bring website also goes through important documents, like health documents ;), you should consider taking.
- When you arrive in the UK, register with a GP. You can find information on the Leeds student health care website and Leeds Student Medical Practice joining website. You’ll be able to receive your first or second dose here but you should try to have documentation of any vaccine you may have had before to give to your GP. When you register with a GP, you’re gain access to the world-leading healthcare provided by the NHS.
- You don’t need to be vaccinated for starting class and activities in September but registering for a GP should be done as soon as possible when you arrive in the UK.
- Read the Education Hub blog by the UK Governments Department of Education: I’m an international student, what do I need to know about studying in England during the pandemic?
Now, I want to describe you a bit about the experience when you get your vaccine here in Leeds, which I’ve heard is quite similar regardless of where you get it. Keep in mind though, Elland Road is one of the largest vaccine centers in and around Leeds.
When you arrive at the location, one of the staff outside will ask whether it is your first or second jab. You’ll then be prompted to go into a section where you will receive a short brief prior to the jab (what Brits call a small shot/injection). So when I said it was the first one, they prompted me to that section and asked me few questions like whether I had any symptoms of COVID-19 and then for my NHS number. After that, I was led to a booth where they asked if I was ok with taking the vaccine and gave me leaflet with detailed information of the vaccine I was about to take (Moderna). I then waited a few minutes where I was prompted to another booth and the nurse gave the vaccine. The nurses make sure you’re okay and you can ask any queries, I had some last-minute concerns but they replied in a friendly manner.
Getting the vaccine was over in seconds. After, the nurse gave me a small card of the time of the jab then led me to a waiting area where I sat for 15 minutes to see if there was any reactions to the jab. Thankfully, there was no reactions to me or anyone else in the waiting area. After, for almost 3 days my arm felt a bit sore, but I took paracetamol as recommended. After a week I got a small area of rashes, which lasted for 1-2 days. However, referring to the leaflet provided by the NHS, I saw these side effects were common. However, I was okay and good to get back to normal after a few days.
I was a bit anxious to get my first dose but once I reached there, I was relieved to see how well facilitated the whole vaccination process was. By the time you come in September or possibly a bit later, the UK will have hopefully fully vaccinated a good portion of their population. I know like myself, many of the ambassadors at Link to Leeds have had their vaccine. If you have any questions, get in touch with us 🙂
A thank you to ambassador Khanh, who also provided some photos to accompany this blog.