Becoming a member of Leeds Mexican Student Society

The Mexican Student Society, a society part of the Leeds University Union (LUU), has a new committee and they are full of socials and activities for all the Mexican and non-Mexican students at the University of Leeds. This active group, formed by Alma Palacios (PhD, School of Design), Alejandra Zazueta (PhD, School of Geography), Jose Sosa (PhD, School of Computing), Lesslie Valencia (PhD, Business School), Eduardo Zarate (MSc, Business School) and Sergio Garcia (MSc, School of Earth and Environment), has already organized three events in which I participated, and even won a prize.
The first social activity was called “Would I lie to you?” and took place in a virtual meeting in which the attendees had to guess false and true stories, out of three anecdotes told by some committee members. After each round, we shared our experiences and enjoyed the commitment of some narrators to make their stories quite believable.
The second online social was a Mexican Pub Quiz, which involved the participation of the Mexican Society from Durham University, who competed against Leeds students to demonstrate their knowledge about Mexico’s food, culture, movies, geography and TV gossips. Although we were all competitive, everyone was friendly and participated, especially when talking and sharing our experiences. Let it be known that I was the winner from Leeds so I got a gift card, which I cannot wait to spend on Mexican snacks.
The last social event was finally in person and consisted in of a picnic in Hyde Park, also known as Woodhouse Moor, the weather was perfect with a sunny day, snacks, drinks and Latin music, everybody was so relaxed and happy that the picnic lasted for almost 8 hot hours.
The Mexican Society is preparing more events which will be as successful and entertaining as the previous ones, if you wish to be a member of the Mexican Society when you come to Leeds, visit their LUU website. You can also follow the social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram: @MexSocLeeds) to know more about their upcoming events. Or ask me any questions 🙂