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Guy Fawkes Night


Before heading to the Bonfire event at Hyde park, the LUU Global Community held a small event at the LUU foyer to share about the food people eat to celebrate bonfire and a short information session on why people celebrate this night.

There was no doubt an amazing turn out at the foyer! People were crowding around the warm drinks and snacks that were provided. The Yorkshire Parkin was one of the snacks provided. It is a Northern English form of gingerbread cake, however, it is also popular elsewhere such as Lancashire. It was sweet, sticky with a strong spice taste to it. There was no real reason on why it is usually eaten on Guy Fawkes night, however, it is said to be popular during the winter as the spices can keep the body warm. Maybe that is why it is eaten on Guy Fawkes night because the bonfire event was COLD!

After the snacks, we gathered at the center of the foyer and 2 committee members from LUU Global community gave us a brief background about the purpose of Guy Fawkes night. So why do we celebrate it? In 1605, Robert Catesby, a leader of the English Catholics, was unsatisfied with the King and attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He and his 12 men placed 36 barrels of gunpowder under the House of Lords. However, during the process, a few of them became hesitant and before they knew it, some backed out and Guy Fawkes was caught red handed. He later was executed for being part of this plan.  Hence, we named this day Guy Fawkes day and celebrate the failed attempt of the conspirators.

After this, we headed out to Hyde park to watch the ignition of the bonfire and fireworks display. The whole event has a festive feel to it as there were food trucks nearby, fireworks and even some amusement rides! Even though it was a rainy and crowded day, I really enjoyed myself. If you have not experienced this event, you should definitely check it out next year! I would say it is a must go event while you are in the UK!