"Be Curious"...on a Saturday morning

Usually Saturday mornings don’t exist for me, cause well, catching up sleep is more crucial than breakfasts sometimes! This Saturday morning, somehow, turned out to be way more interesting than I would’ve expected.
I have to admit that I’m guilty of having a cat’s curiosity, so yes, “Be Curious Festival” did in fact make me curious enough to compromise my Saturday morning’s oversleeping. Also, the fact that the festival was organised on campus became an incentive too! So let me start talking more about the actual festival. Basically the activities were meant to ignite questions in the minds of little kids, so despite the fact that it was kids oriented, it was equally interesting for the adults as well! The activities were arranged on a spectrum, from robotics to psychology to dental health to languages and even music. Where there was a robot demonstrating picking up a chocolate amongst crowds on one side, Mandarin was taught in writing on the other. Where on one hand, the dynamic research into working of the brain was on display, the other hand revealed the depths of electromagnetic spectrum.
As much as it was interesting to actually do all those activities and read about it, it was even more interesting to watch the enthusiasm and excitement on the kids’ expressions. I’m certain the photos would do enough justice to translate my words about it. Speaking of which, I wish someone took my photo while the “Marty Jopson’s” presentation was on.
It’s been too long since I viewed anything under a microscope. So giving us the microscopic visions of the invisible beings (to the unaided eye, of course) was perhaps the longest I stared at the screen in engrossment sitting in a lecture hall. And yes, I really do need to give credit to the way he delivered the presentation. Engaging and witty with the way he put out the science to us in quite so simple words!
It’s also worth to mention the thought, the idea, the perspective, the vision that went behind in creating those activities for the kids. For instance, there was one activity which really struck a personal chord, where the kids were supposed to design a utopian city that had all the emissions in check in lego blocks. It was interesting to see the kids trial and error on their strategies and being so enthusiastic in it. They made a serious subject seem so effortless while gaining the substantial understanding! Overall, quite an unusual Saturday for me…and no complaints about waking up early!