Get Out, Get Active: Haworth

I attended a fantastic journey organised by Get Out, Get Active (GOGA) this weekend. I had taken part in a wonderful journey to the Lake District inside Yorkshire in January and I could not wait to do another just before the Easter Break. The journey was normally from Leeds to Haworth within nearly 1 hour by coach. We meet at the Parkinson Building around 8:45 am and eventually arrived in Haworth around 10 am. Haworth is really a beautiful town with some ancient British style shops, bars and cafes on the side of streets. Local residents prefer to sit in a café with friends or read newspapers for a rest.
在这个周末,我参加了一场由GOGA 举办的非常赞的徒步旅行活动。在这之前,我曾经在一月份也参加过一次到约克郡湖区的类似徒步活动,迫不及待地又报名了这场活动。这趟旅程是从利兹乘坐约一小时的大巴前往Haworth在10点左右到达了那里。Haworth是一个很漂亮的英式小镇,里面坐落着许多古典的英式商店酒吧和咖啡馆。当地居民喜欢在里面点杯咖啡与好友交谈或者读读报纸打发下午恬静的时光。
Our whole team started the journey together at the entrance of Haworth and directly to the waterfall in the heart of Haworth. For the first round, it was around 4 km on foot within the peak areas inside Haworth. The waterfall is the centre of Haworth ecosystem and provides the water service for the local residents and travellers. The weather was really nice on that day, it was not sunny but almost cloudy with a little bit crazy wind. The light was really suitable to take photos around huge amounts of mountains and were truly exposed to the nature. We arrived at the top of Haworth nearly 11:30 am and had a homemade meal as a short break with wonderful natural views.
After the meal, we were divided into two groups with almost equal people. For the first group, people would go to the central town of Haworth directly with an another 4 km walk, while the second group would go to the backside of the top mountain and then returned back to the central town with normally a further 8 km walk. I joined the second team to explore the backside views of Haworth and returned back to the town around 2:00 pm.
The central town of Haworth is really a popular destination for both visitors and local residents. Why not chat with local residents in a British café? I chose a local café served brunches and afternoon teas and I ordered a traditional British homemade afternoon tea shared with my friends. We stay in the café for almost a half hour and then returned back to Leeds around 4:00 pm. It was such a fantastic hike before the Easter Break with the wonderful nature views and friendly members. I plan to apply as a volunteer for GOGA in the future and really look forward to joining in the next trip!