A Typical Weekend in Leeds
It's the beginning of March. You'd think that spring has finally arrive since snowdrops have bloomed all round Hyde Park and university. Just like the rest of the students, I greedily spent the rare sunny February week outdoors, basking underneath the fingertips on sunlight. Green grass grazing my hair as I laid down at St George's field. Everywhere I went, I can smell a tinge of happiness? Odd but funnily there is such smell. After all, it's the warmest winter week that we've ever had.
Alas, the oddly warm week has passed and the usual strong, gusty wind has decided to finally make an entrance. I've been awfully busy with university work. Exam and dissertation deadline are around the corner, lurking and skulking. This weekend I dedicated my time for my project and only managed to sneak a couple of hours to do some grocery shopping. As you can see, I looked awfully happy in the morning as I have yet to be slammed with work by the eve. I mean, how can one not enjoy grocery shopping? I live to grocery shop. My favourite place in Leeds is Morrisons (supermarket) and I am not afraid to admit it.
At night, after spending the whole day at 24 hours cluster I dragged my limp and defeated body to home. "Next week will be a better week," I consoled myself. University is a whirlwind of fun times and hard work. You do need to learn to take a step back and breathe. Inhale and exhale. Sometimes when it gets a bit much, I always take some time for myself. I love cooking a warm meal to remind myself that I'm a fully functioning human. Good food and hilarious housemates can really save you from your depths of 'uni-despair'.
I'd usually spend the morning in the gym on Sunday but haven't had the time. However, let's be honest, lazy Sunday mornings are the best. Late breakfast followed by cheese and onion pasty for lunch is truly a treat. Just like Saturday, I spend my Sunday at the cluster doing more work.
As night approached, marking the end of the weekend, I took some time to do some final work and reading. So, that sums up my weekend.
Unfortunately I didn't take any snips of me doing work as I didn't want to scare any of you with my sad face. Although, I must say that I do look forward to graduate in July and laugh at the times that I was too stressed up with university work. Things like that seem so trivial when you look back at them in 5 years time. Cue, Jess Glynne's These Days song, please!